HOMEBREW Digest #6095 Fri 27 June 2014
Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org
No "sponsor-level" donation yet this year
Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site!
********** Also visit http://hbd.org/hbdsponsors.html *********
DONATE to the Home Brew Digest. Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a
501(c)3 not-for-profit organization under IRS rules (see the
FAQ at http://hbd.org for details of this status). Donations
can be made by check to Home Brew Digest mailed to (NOTE NEW
HBD Server Fund
PO Box 871054
Canton, MI 48187-6054
or by paypal to address serverfund@hbd.org. DONATIONS of $250
or more will be provided with receipts. SPONSORSHIPS of any
amount are considered paid advertisement, and may be deductible
under IRS rules as a business expense. Please consult with your
tax professional, then see http://hbd.org for available
sponsorship opportunities.
Re: Kolsch Tips? (mossview5)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy! *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Public Charity
[170(b)(1)(A)(vi)] All donations & gifts to the HBD are
tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue
Code; as are bequests, devises, transfer, or gifts under
section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Code.
Financial Projection as of 21 May 2014
*** Condition: Concerned, but somewhat optimistic ***
Projected 2013 Budget $3,235.00
Expended against projection $1,238.53
Unplanned expenditures ($ 95.77)
Projected Excess/(Shortfall) ($ 779.89)
HBD, Inc. is projected to be bankrupt September 2014
As always, donors and donations are publicly acknowledged
and accounted for on the HBD web page. Thank you.
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The HBD is a copyrighted document. The compilation is copyright
HBD.ORG. Individual postings are copyright by their authors. ASK
before reproducing and you'll rarely have trouble. Digest content
cannot be reproduced by any means for sale or profit.
More information is available by sending the word "info" to
req@hbd.org or read the HBD FAQ at http://hbd.org.
JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 08:14:51 -0400
From: mossview5 <mossview5 at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Kolsch Tips?
All looks good excepting the mashing water treatment. While the small
addition of CaCl2 is appropriate, it alone is not likely to move the mash
pH down into a desirable range around 5.3. An external acid addition via a
lactic acid or acid malt addition will be required. For German styles,
those acids are desirable since they contribute lactate which is a
component in the overall flavor profile.
You mention sparging water acidification. Due to the very low alkalinity of
Seattle water, there is little need to acidify that water. But it doesn't
hurt. It should only take a few drops per gallon to make the pH drop like a
Martin Brungard
Carmel, IN
End of HOMEBREW Digest #6095, 06/27/14
Friday, June 27, 2014
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Homebrew Digest #6094 (June 26, 2014)
HOMEBREW Digest #6094 Thu 26 June 2014
Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org
No "sponsor-level" donation yet this year
Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site!
********** Also visit http://hbd.org/hbdsponsors.html *********
DONATE to the Home Brew Digest. Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a
501(c)3 not-for-profit organization under IRS rules (see the
FAQ at http://hbd.org for details of this status). Donations
can be made by check to Home Brew Digest mailed to (NOTE NEW
HBD Server Fund
PO Box 871054
Canton, MI 48187-6054
or by paypal to address serverfund@hbd.org. DONATIONS of $250
or more will be provided with receipts. SPONSORSHIPS of any
amount are considered paid advertisement, and may be deductible
under IRS rules as a business expense. Please consult with your
tax professional, then see http://hbd.org for available
sponsorship opportunities.
Kolsch Tips? (Adam Arndt)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy! *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Public Charity
[170(b)(1)(A)(vi)] All donations & gifts to the HBD are
tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue
Code; as are bequests, devises, transfer, or gifts under
section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Code.
Financial Projection as of 21 May 2014
*** Condition: Concerned, but somewhat optimistic ***
Projected 2013 Budget $3,235.00
Expended against projection $1,238.53
Unplanned expenditures ($ 95.77)
Projected Excess/(Shortfall) ($ 779.89)
HBD, Inc. is projected to be bankrupt September 2014
As always, donors and donations are publicly acknowledged
and accounted for on the HBD web page. Thank you.
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instead to http://homebrewfleamarket.com and post a free ad there.
The HBD is a copyrighted document. The compilation is copyright
HBD.ORG. Individual postings are copyright by their authors. ASK
before reproducing and you'll rarely have trouble. Digest content
cannot be reproduced by any means for sale or profit.
More information is available by sending the word "info" to
req@hbd.org or read the HBD FAQ at http://hbd.org.
JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 21:52:45 +0000
From: Adam Arndt <adama at microsoft.com>
Subject: Kolsch Tips?
My home brew club is doing a group brew of a pretty simple Kolsch recipe; I
figured I'd share my Kolsch / light beer tips and I'd solicit any others that
people have.
As you can see I'm very much interested in a Kolsch without any HINT of
graininess or lingering / harsh bitterness and that is bright / clear.
* As always if you want to go traditional a simple grist is the way
to go and always use German ingredients; a blend of mostly Pilsner with some
light malted wheat and a small bit of light Munich if desired
* Dough-in: I find the German Pilsner + wheat malt combo to really
result in a lot of dough balls so be ready to really spend some time getting
doughed-in properly if you're mashing in above the gelatinization temp
* Milling: Conditioning your malt will help keep husks from getting
shredded; shredded husks release more tannins/ polyphenols which ruin light
beers, IMHO (use 2% water by weight sprayed with a fine mist and thoroughly
mixed; -let set for 10 min before milling
This is an area I'm looking for tips; I have EXTREMELY soft Seattle water
that I treat with double stage carbon block filters.
* 1 Tbsp calcium chloride added directly to the mash (to help the
mash ph, aid clarity and to focus on soft, malty flavors)
* I like to mash light beers on the thinner side to have less sparge
water to decrease the likelihood of extracting tannins
* Mash low for that high fermentability that you want in a kolsch;
alternatively multistep infusion mash or upward infusion mash (the upward
infusion mash starting from below the gelatinization temp will avoid dough
balls as an added bonus) -I target 63C which I guess is 145.4F
* Recirculation mash for 60 min; if not recirculating a 90 minute
mash will give you that extra bit of fermentability
* Avoid oxygen pickup especially if recirculating -oxygen will
increase color of this VERY light beer style
* Again limit oxygen pickup
* I batch sparge my kolsch to reduce the risk of over sparging and
extracting grainy tannins
* Acidify sparge water to avoid extracting grainy tannins
* Heat the initial runoff (First runnings) to 68C and hold there to
"super charge" enzymes and to essentially perform a 2nd step
* Target a lower-than-normal 1st batch sparge temp of 68C to "super
charge" enzymes left in the mash as an essential 2nd temp step
* At home brew scale 90 minute boils for DMS from pilsner malt are
largely unnecessary; this especially holds true with my 1:1 height to width
kettle geometry and high boil off rate
* I use an electric low heat density element and turn the heat
output down to 60% for all but the last 10 min of the boil to keep the wort
darkening to a minimum
* With 10 min left to the boil I add both whirlfloc and polyclar
(PVPP) the combination is GREAT at helping both hot break and tannin
flocculation but results in lots of fluffy trub and large wort losses
* Chill rapidly below 140F to prevent DMS formation
I'd love some discussion on temps with the different kolsch strains
* The colder you're fermenting the more yeast you need but target in
between ale and lager pitch rates, depending upon fermentation temp
* Transfer off of the trub, prior to pitching, as in the German
* Pitch at fermentation temps -don't pitch high and wait for it to
chill; upward fermentation ok; flat fermentation temp profile ok; downward ==
* Personally I simply ferment at 60-63F
* Either skim off the "braun hefe" -brown fermentation crud or let
it blow off via blow off tube to avoid harsh bitterness
* Lager: cold and long (-1C for as long as you can stand it)
I'm very much interested in tricks to get this thing to drop bright when you
only have 3 weeks to lager. Should I just give up hope with a Kolsch strain
and clarity without filtering; any finings recommendations?
End of HOMEBREW Digest #6094, 06/26/14
Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org
No "sponsor-level" donation yet this year
Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site!
********** Also visit http://hbd.org/hbdsponsors.html *********
DONATE to the Home Brew Digest. Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a
501(c)3 not-for-profit organization under IRS rules (see the
FAQ at http://hbd.org for details of this status). Donations
can be made by check to Home Brew Digest mailed to (NOTE NEW
HBD Server Fund
PO Box 871054
Canton, MI 48187-6054
or by paypal to address serverfund@hbd.org. DONATIONS of $250
or more will be provided with receipts. SPONSORSHIPS of any
amount are considered paid advertisement, and may be deductible
under IRS rules as a business expense. Please consult with your
tax professional, then see http://hbd.org for available
sponsorship opportunities.
Kolsch Tips? (Adam Arndt)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy! *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Public Charity
[170(b)(1)(A)(vi)] All donations & gifts to the HBD are
tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue
Code; as are bequests, devises, transfer, or gifts under
section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Code.
Financial Projection as of 21 May 2014
*** Condition: Concerned, but somewhat optimistic ***
Projected 2013 Budget $3,235.00
Expended against projection $1,238.53
Unplanned expenditures ($ 95.77)
Projected Excess/(Shortfall) ($ 779.89)
HBD, Inc. is projected to be bankrupt September 2014
As always, donors and donations are publicly acknowledged
and accounted for on the HBD web page. Thank you.
Send articles for __publication_only__ to post@hbd.org
If your e-mail account is being deleted, please unsubscribe first!!
To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE send an e-mail message with the word
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LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL USED EQUIPMENT? Please do not post about it here. Go
instead to http://homebrewfleamarket.com and post a free ad there.
The HBD is a copyrighted document. The compilation is copyright
HBD.ORG. Individual postings are copyright by their authors. ASK
before reproducing and you'll rarely have trouble. Digest content
cannot be reproduced by any means for sale or profit.
More information is available by sending the word "info" to
req@hbd.org or read the HBD FAQ at http://hbd.org.
JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 21:52:45 +0000
From: Adam Arndt <adama at microsoft.com>
Subject: Kolsch Tips?
My home brew club is doing a group brew of a pretty simple Kolsch recipe; I
figured I'd share my Kolsch / light beer tips and I'd solicit any others that
people have.
As you can see I'm very much interested in a Kolsch without any HINT of
graininess or lingering / harsh bitterness and that is bright / clear.
* As always if you want to go traditional a simple grist is the way
to go and always use German ingredients; a blend of mostly Pilsner with some
light malted wheat and a small bit of light Munich if desired
* Dough-in: I find the German Pilsner + wheat malt combo to really
result in a lot of dough balls so be ready to really spend some time getting
doughed-in properly if you're mashing in above the gelatinization temp
* Milling: Conditioning your malt will help keep husks from getting
shredded; shredded husks release more tannins/ polyphenols which ruin light
beers, IMHO (use 2% water by weight sprayed with a fine mist and thoroughly
mixed; -let set for 10 min before milling
This is an area I'm looking for tips; I have EXTREMELY soft Seattle water
that I treat with double stage carbon block filters.
* 1 Tbsp calcium chloride added directly to the mash (to help the
mash ph, aid clarity and to focus on soft, malty flavors)
* I like to mash light beers on the thinner side to have less sparge
water to decrease the likelihood of extracting tannins
* Mash low for that high fermentability that you want in a kolsch;
alternatively multistep infusion mash or upward infusion mash (the upward
infusion mash starting from below the gelatinization temp will avoid dough
balls as an added bonus) -I target 63C which I guess is 145.4F
* Recirculation mash for 60 min; if not recirculating a 90 minute
mash will give you that extra bit of fermentability
* Avoid oxygen pickup especially if recirculating -oxygen will
increase color of this VERY light beer style
* Again limit oxygen pickup
* I batch sparge my kolsch to reduce the risk of over sparging and
extracting grainy tannins
* Acidify sparge water to avoid extracting grainy tannins
* Heat the initial runoff (First runnings) to 68C and hold there to
"super charge" enzymes and to essentially perform a 2nd step
* Target a lower-than-normal 1st batch sparge temp of 68C to "super
charge" enzymes left in the mash as an essential 2nd temp step
* At home brew scale 90 minute boils for DMS from pilsner malt are
largely unnecessary; this especially holds true with my 1:1 height to width
kettle geometry and high boil off rate
* I use an electric low heat density element and turn the heat
output down to 60% for all but the last 10 min of the boil to keep the wort
darkening to a minimum
* With 10 min left to the boil I add both whirlfloc and polyclar
(PVPP) the combination is GREAT at helping both hot break and tannin
flocculation but results in lots of fluffy trub and large wort losses
* Chill rapidly below 140F to prevent DMS formation
I'd love some discussion on temps with the different kolsch strains
* The colder you're fermenting the more yeast you need but target in
between ale and lager pitch rates, depending upon fermentation temp
* Transfer off of the trub, prior to pitching, as in the German
* Pitch at fermentation temps -don't pitch high and wait for it to
chill; upward fermentation ok; flat fermentation temp profile ok; downward ==
* Personally I simply ferment at 60-63F
* Either skim off the "braun hefe" -brown fermentation crud or let
it blow off via blow off tube to avoid harsh bitterness
* Lager: cold and long (-1C for as long as you can stand it)
I'm very much interested in tricks to get this thing to drop bright when you
only have 3 weeks to lager. Should I just give up hope with a Kolsch strain
and clarity without filtering; any finings recommendations?
End of HOMEBREW Digest #6094, 06/26/14
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Homebrew Digest #6093 (June 21, 2014)
HOMEBREW Digest #6093 Sat 21 June 2014
Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org
No "sponsor-level" donation yet this year
Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site!
********** Also visit http://hbd.org/hbdsponsors.html *********
DONATE to the Home Brew Digest. Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a
501(c)3 not-for-profit organization under IRS rules (see the
FAQ at http://hbd.org for details of this status). Donations
can be made by check to Home Brew Digest mailed to (NOTE NEW
HBD Server Fund
PO Box 871054
Canton, MI 48187-6054
or by paypal to address serverfund@hbd.org. DONATIONS of $250
or more will be provided with receipts. SPONSORSHIPS of any
amount are considered paid advertisement, and may be deductible
under IRS rules as a business expense. Please consult with your
tax professional, then see http://hbd.org for available
sponsorship opportunities.
Re Software Problems Update (Ian & Jean Ramsay)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy! *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Public Charity
[170(b)(1)(A)(vi)] All donations & gifts to the HBD are
tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue
Code; as are bequests, devises, transfer, or gifts under
section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Code.
Financial Projection as of 21 May 2014
*** Condition: Concerned, but somewhat optimistic ***
Projected 2013 Budget $3,235.00
Expended against projection $1,238.53
Unplanned expenditures ($ 95.77)
Projected Excess/(Shortfall) ($ 779.89)
HBD, Inc. is projected to be bankrupt September 2014
As always, donors and donations are publicly acknowledged
and accounted for on the HBD web page. Thank you.
Send articles for __publication_only__ to post@hbd.org
If your e-mail account is being deleted, please unsubscribe first!!
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instead to http://homebrewfleamarket.com and post a free ad there.
The HBD is a copyrighted document. The compilation is copyright
HBD.ORG. Individual postings are copyright by their authors. ASK
before reproducing and you'll rarely have trouble. Digest content
cannot be reproduced by any means for sale or profit.
More information is available by sending the word "info" to
req@hbd.org or read the HBD FAQ at http://hbd.org.
JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 16:09:51 +1200
From: Ian & Jean Ramsay <ian.ramsay at clear.net.nz>
Subject: Re Software Problems Update
Hi Everyone
Thanks for the response from so many people re my migration from XP to
Windows 7. Shortly after all your helpful advice came in we went to the UK,
and have recently returned.
I have since discovered that changing from 32 bit to 64 appears to has
caused some of my problems.
Re software we have installed a virtual machine running XP and my trusty old
software works again. My Son Sean did all the cleaver stuff using VMware
virtual player, not sure why we did not use the Microsoft version but this
one works very well.
Some of the groups advice re networking software made me think what else can
I do to make brewing days easier. I have faithfully recorded by hand every
batch of beer I have made, but am finding some days I struggle to hold a pen
for very long so maybe a tablet in the brewery is the way to go.
Thanks you again to everyone who offered advice, it was gratefully received.
Brian good to hear from you, will email you direct.
Regards Ian
- ---
This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus
protection is active.
End of HOMEBREW Digest #6093, 06/21/14
Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org
No "sponsor-level" donation yet this year
Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site!
********** Also visit http://hbd.org/hbdsponsors.html *********
DONATE to the Home Brew Digest. Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a
501(c)3 not-for-profit organization under IRS rules (see the
FAQ at http://hbd.org for details of this status). Donations
can be made by check to Home Brew Digest mailed to (NOTE NEW
HBD Server Fund
PO Box 871054
Canton, MI 48187-6054
or by paypal to address serverfund@hbd.org. DONATIONS of $250
or more will be provided with receipts. SPONSORSHIPS of any
amount are considered paid advertisement, and may be deductible
under IRS rules as a business expense. Please consult with your
tax professional, then see http://hbd.org for available
sponsorship opportunities.
Re Software Problems Update (Ian & Jean Ramsay)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy! *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Public Charity
[170(b)(1)(A)(vi)] All donations & gifts to the HBD are
tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue
Code; as are bequests, devises, transfer, or gifts under
section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Code.
Financial Projection as of 21 May 2014
*** Condition: Concerned, but somewhat optimistic ***
Projected 2013 Budget $3,235.00
Expended against projection $1,238.53
Unplanned expenditures ($ 95.77)
Projected Excess/(Shortfall) ($ 779.89)
HBD, Inc. is projected to be bankrupt September 2014
As always, donors and donations are publicly acknowledged
and accounted for on the HBD web page. Thank you.
Send articles for __publication_only__ to post@hbd.org
If your e-mail account is being deleted, please unsubscribe first!!
To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE send an e-mail message with the word
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IF YOU HAVE SPAM-PROOFED your e-mail address, you cannot subscribe to
the digest as we cannot reach you. We will not correct your address
for the automation - that's your job.
HAVING TROUBLE posting, subscribing or unsusubscribing? See the HBD FAQ at
LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL USED EQUIPMENT? Please do not post about it here. Go
instead to http://homebrewfleamarket.com and post a free ad there.
The HBD is a copyrighted document. The compilation is copyright
HBD.ORG. Individual postings are copyright by their authors. ASK
before reproducing and you'll rarely have trouble. Digest content
cannot be reproduced by any means for sale or profit.
More information is available by sending the word "info" to
req@hbd.org or read the HBD FAQ at http://hbd.org.
JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 16:09:51 +1200
From: Ian & Jean Ramsay <ian.ramsay at clear.net.nz>
Subject: Re Software Problems Update
Hi Everyone
Thanks for the response from so many people re my migration from XP to
Windows 7. Shortly after all your helpful advice came in we went to the UK,
and have recently returned.
I have since discovered that changing from 32 bit to 64 appears to has
caused some of my problems.
Re software we have installed a virtual machine running XP and my trusty old
software works again. My Son Sean did all the cleaver stuff using VMware
virtual player, not sure why we did not use the Microsoft version but this
one works very well.
Some of the groups advice re networking software made me think what else can
I do to make brewing days easier. I have faithfully recorded by hand every
batch of beer I have made, but am finding some days I struggle to hold a pen
for very long so maybe a tablet in the brewery is the way to go.
Thanks you again to everyone who offered advice, it was gratefully received.
Brian good to hear from you, will email you direct.
Regards Ian
- ---
This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus
protection is active.
End of HOMEBREW Digest #6093, 06/21/14
Friday, June 20, 2014
Homebrew Digest #6092 (June 20, 2014)
HOMEBREW Digest #6092 Fri 20 June 2014
Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org
No "sponsor-level" donation yet this year
Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site!
********** Also visit http://hbd.org/hbdsponsors.html *********
DONATE to the Home Brew Digest. Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a
501(c)3 not-for-profit organization under IRS rules (see the
FAQ at http://hbd.org for details of this status). Donations
can be made by check to Home Brew Digest mailed to (NOTE NEW
HBD Server Fund
PO Box 871054
Canton, MI 48187-6054
or by paypal to address serverfund@hbd.org. DONATIONS of $250
or more will be provided with receipts. SPONSORSHIPS of any
amount are considered paid advertisement, and may be deductible
under IRS rules as a business expense. Please consult with your
tax professional, then see http://hbd.org for available
sponsorship opportunities.
Problem carbonating lager (GEORGE FRAME)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy! *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Public Charity
[170(b)(1)(A)(vi)] All donations & gifts to the HBD are
tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue
Code; as are bequests, devises, transfer, or gifts under
section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Code.
Financial Projection as of 21 May 2014
*** Condition: Concerned, but somewhat optimistic ***
Projected 2013 Budget $3,235.00
Expended against projection $1,238.53
Unplanned expenditures ($ 95.77)
Projected Excess/(Shortfall) ($ 779.89)
HBD, Inc. is projected to be bankrupt September 2014
As always, donors and donations are publicly acknowledged
and accounted for on the HBD web page. Thank you.
Send articles for __publication_only__ to post@hbd.org
If your e-mail account is being deleted, please unsubscribe first!!
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The HBD is a copyrighted document. The compilation is copyright
HBD.ORG. Individual postings are copyright by their authors. ASK
before reproducing and you'll rarely have trouble. Digest content
cannot be reproduced by any means for sale or profit.
More information is available by sending the word "info" to
req@hbd.org or read the HBD FAQ at http://hbd.org.
JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 17:05:49 -0400
From: GEORGE FRAME <frames at metrocast.net>
Subject: Problem carbonating lager
I wanted to thank everyone for their responses to my dilemma witha
lager that wasn't carbonating. I did as instructed, moved the
bottled lager to a warmer clime, inverted the bottles several times
and waited. As of yesterday it is nicely carbonated and tasting great.
thanks again everyone,
George Frame
Bristol, NH
End of HOMEBREW Digest #6092, 06/20/14
Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org
No "sponsor-level" donation yet this year
Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site!
********** Also visit http://hbd.org/hbdsponsors.html *********
DONATE to the Home Brew Digest. Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a
501(c)3 not-for-profit organization under IRS rules (see the
FAQ at http://hbd.org for details of this status). Donations
can be made by check to Home Brew Digest mailed to (NOTE NEW
HBD Server Fund
PO Box 871054
Canton, MI 48187-6054
or by paypal to address serverfund@hbd.org. DONATIONS of $250
or more will be provided with receipts. SPONSORSHIPS of any
amount are considered paid advertisement, and may be deductible
under IRS rules as a business expense. Please consult with your
tax professional, then see http://hbd.org for available
sponsorship opportunities.
Problem carbonating lager (GEORGE FRAME)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy! *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Public Charity
[170(b)(1)(A)(vi)] All donations & gifts to the HBD are
tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue
Code; as are bequests, devises, transfer, or gifts under
section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Code.
Financial Projection as of 21 May 2014
*** Condition: Concerned, but somewhat optimistic ***
Projected 2013 Budget $3,235.00
Expended against projection $1,238.53
Unplanned expenditures ($ 95.77)
Projected Excess/(Shortfall) ($ 779.89)
HBD, Inc. is projected to be bankrupt September 2014
As always, donors and donations are publicly acknowledged
and accounted for on the HBD web page. Thank you.
Send articles for __publication_only__ to post@hbd.org
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instead to http://homebrewfleamarket.com and post a free ad there.
The HBD is a copyrighted document. The compilation is copyright
HBD.ORG. Individual postings are copyright by their authors. ASK
before reproducing and you'll rarely have trouble. Digest content
cannot be reproduced by any means for sale or profit.
More information is available by sending the word "info" to
req@hbd.org or read the HBD FAQ at http://hbd.org.
JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 17:05:49 -0400
From: GEORGE FRAME <frames at metrocast.net>
Subject: Problem carbonating lager
I wanted to thank everyone for their responses to my dilemma witha
lager that wasn't carbonating. I did as instructed, moved the
bottled lager to a warmer clime, inverted the bottles several times
and waited. As of yesterday it is nicely carbonated and tasting great.
thanks again everyone,
George Frame
Bristol, NH
End of HOMEBREW Digest #6092, 06/20/14
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Homebrew Digest #6091 (June 03, 2014)
HOMEBREW Digest #6091 Tue 03 June 2014
Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org
No "sponsor-level" donation yet this year
Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site!
********** Also visit http://hbd.org/hbdsponsors.html *********
DONATE to the Home Brew Digest. Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a
501(c)3 not-for-profit organization under IRS rules (see the
FAQ at http://hbd.org for details of this status). Donations
can be made by check to Home Brew Digest mailed to (NOTE NEW
HBD Server Fund
PO Box 871054
Canton, MI 48187-6054
or by paypal to address serverfund@hbd.org. DONATIONS of $250
or more will be provided with receipts. SPONSORSHIPS of any
amount are considered paid advertisement, and may be deductible
under IRS rules as a business expense. Please consult with your
tax professional, then see http://hbd.org for available
sponsorship opportunities.
Re: Problem carbonating lager (Fred L Johnson)
re: Problem Carbonating lager ("Jeff McNally")
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy! *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Public Charity
[170(b)(1)(A)(vi)] All donations & gifts to the HBD are
tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue
Code; as are bequests, devises, transfer, or gifts under
section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Code.
Financial Projection as of 21 May 2014
*** Condition: Concerned, but somewhat optimistic ***
Projected 2013 Budget $3,235.00
Expended against projection $1,238.53
Unplanned expenditures ($ 95.77)
Projected Excess/(Shortfall) ($ 779.89)
HBD, Inc. is projected to be bankrupt September 2014
As always, donors and donations are publicly acknowledged
and accounted for on the HBD web page. Thank you.
Send articles for __publication_only__ to post@hbd.org
If your e-mail account is being deleted, please unsubscribe first!!
To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE send an e-mail message with the word
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IF YOU HAVE SPAM-PROOFED your e-mail address, you cannot subscribe to
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LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL USED EQUIPMENT? Please do not post about it here. Go
instead to http://homebrewfleamarket.com and post a free ad there.
The HBD is a copyrighted document. The compilation is copyright
HBD.ORG. Individual postings are copyright by their authors. ASK
before reproducing and you'll rarely have trouble. Digest content
cannot be reproduced by any means for sale or profit.
More information is available by sending the word "info" to
req@hbd.org or read the HBD FAQ at http://hbd.org.
JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2014 01:47:37 -0400
From: Fred L Johnson <FLJohnson52 at nc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: Problem carbonating lager
George can't get his lager to carbonate in the bottle after 3 months of
lagering the beer at 40 degrees (F), bottling, and waiting for 4 weeks with
the beer at 55 degrees. I'm assuming that no yeast was added at the time of
bottling and that sugar was.
I suspect the lagering period dropped out the yeast so well that the beer
simply doesn't have enough yeast now to ferment the priming sugar. I've seen
this happen a lot with extended periods of letting the beer drop the yeast,
and now always add a small amount of fresh yeast at bottling for bottle
I would suggest making up a small starter of fresh yeast (same yeast) and
pipetting some fresh yeast (1 million cells per mL beer) into each bottle,
recap, and allow the beers to carbonate at a somewhat warmer temperature, say
68 degrees. The fermentation of that small amount of priming sugar at this
warmer temperature shouldn't significantly affect the flavor of the beer. If
you are concerned, you can carbonate at 55 degrees. If it doesn't carbonate
fast enough for you at 55 degrees, warm it to 68 degrees, and it should
carbonate. You'll know that you have yeast in there to do the job.
Fred L Johnson
Apex, North Carolina, USA
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2014 20:47:46 -0400
From: "Jeff McNally" <jeff ri at cox.net>
Subject: re: Problem Carbonating lager
Hi All,
In HDB# 6090 George Frame asked about carbonating a lager.
Swirl the bottles to re-suspend the yeast, and raise the temp up to about
70F until they carbonate.
Jeff McNally
Tiverton, RI
(652.2 miles, 90.0 deg) A.R.
End of HOMEBREW Digest #6091, 06/03/14
Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org
No "sponsor-level" donation yet this year
Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site!
********** Also visit http://hbd.org/hbdsponsors.html *********
DONATE to the Home Brew Digest. Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a
501(c)3 not-for-profit organization under IRS rules (see the
FAQ at http://hbd.org for details of this status). Donations
can be made by check to Home Brew Digest mailed to (NOTE NEW
HBD Server Fund
PO Box 871054
Canton, MI 48187-6054
or by paypal to address serverfund@hbd.org. DONATIONS of $250
or more will be provided with receipts. SPONSORSHIPS of any
amount are considered paid advertisement, and may be deductible
under IRS rules as a business expense. Please consult with your
tax professional, then see http://hbd.org for available
sponsorship opportunities.
Re: Problem carbonating lager (Fred L Johnson)
re: Problem Carbonating lager ("Jeff McNally")
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy! *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Public Charity
[170(b)(1)(A)(vi)] All donations & gifts to the HBD are
tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue
Code; as are bequests, devises, transfer, or gifts under
section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Code.
Financial Projection as of 21 May 2014
*** Condition: Concerned, but somewhat optimistic ***
Projected 2013 Budget $3,235.00
Expended against projection $1,238.53
Unplanned expenditures ($ 95.77)
Projected Excess/(Shortfall) ($ 779.89)
HBD, Inc. is projected to be bankrupt September 2014
As always, donors and donations are publicly acknowledged
and accounted for on the HBD web page. Thank you.
Send articles for __publication_only__ to post@hbd.org
If your e-mail account is being deleted, please unsubscribe first!!
To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE send an e-mail message with the word
"subscribe" or "unsubscribe" to request@hbd.org FROM THE E-MAIL
IF YOU HAVE SPAM-PROOFED your e-mail address, you cannot subscribe to
the digest as we cannot reach you. We will not correct your address
for the automation - that's your job.
HAVING TROUBLE posting, subscribing or unsusubscribing? See the HBD FAQ at
LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL USED EQUIPMENT? Please do not post about it here. Go
instead to http://homebrewfleamarket.com and post a free ad there.
The HBD is a copyrighted document. The compilation is copyright
HBD.ORG. Individual postings are copyright by their authors. ASK
before reproducing and you'll rarely have trouble. Digest content
cannot be reproduced by any means for sale or profit.
More information is available by sending the word "info" to
req@hbd.org or read the HBD FAQ at http://hbd.org.
JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2014 01:47:37 -0400
From: Fred L Johnson <FLJohnson52 at nc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: Problem carbonating lager
George can't get his lager to carbonate in the bottle after 3 months of
lagering the beer at 40 degrees (F), bottling, and waiting for 4 weeks with
the beer at 55 degrees. I'm assuming that no yeast was added at the time of
bottling and that sugar was.
I suspect the lagering period dropped out the yeast so well that the beer
simply doesn't have enough yeast now to ferment the priming sugar. I've seen
this happen a lot with extended periods of letting the beer drop the yeast,
and now always add a small amount of fresh yeast at bottling for bottle
I would suggest making up a small starter of fresh yeast (same yeast) and
pipetting some fresh yeast (1 million cells per mL beer) into each bottle,
recap, and allow the beers to carbonate at a somewhat warmer temperature, say
68 degrees. The fermentation of that small amount of priming sugar at this
warmer temperature shouldn't significantly affect the flavor of the beer. If
you are concerned, you can carbonate at 55 degrees. If it doesn't carbonate
fast enough for you at 55 degrees, warm it to 68 degrees, and it should
carbonate. You'll know that you have yeast in there to do the job.
Fred L Johnson
Apex, North Carolina, USA
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2014 20:47:46 -0400
From: "Jeff McNally" <jeff ri at cox.net>
Subject: re: Problem Carbonating lager
Hi All,
In HDB# 6090 George Frame asked about carbonating a lager.
Swirl the bottles to re-suspend the yeast, and raise the temp up to about
70F until they carbonate.
Jeff McNally
Tiverton, RI
(652.2 miles, 90.0 deg) A.R.
End of HOMEBREW Digest #6091, 06/03/14
Monday, June 2, 2014
Homebrew Digest #6090 (June 02, 2014)
HOMEBREW Digest #6090 Mon 02 June 2014
Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org
No "sponsor-level" donation yet this year
Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site!
********** Also visit http://hbd.org/hbdsponsors.html *********
DONATE to the Home Brew Digest. Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a
501(c)3 not-for-profit organization under IRS rules (see the
FAQ at http://hbd.org for details of this status). Donations
can be made by check to Home Brew Digest mailed to (NOTE NEW
HBD Server Fund
PO Box 871054
Canton, MI 48187-6054
or by paypal to address serverfund@hbd.org. DONATIONS of $250
or more will be provided with receipts. SPONSORSHIPS of any
amount are considered paid advertisement, and may be deductible
under IRS rules as a business expense. Please consult with your
tax professional, then see http://hbd.org for available
sponsorship opportunities.
Problem Carbonating lager (GEORGE FRAME)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy! *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Public Charity
[170(b)(1)(A)(vi)] All donations & gifts to the HBD are
tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue
Code; as are bequests, devises, transfer, or gifts under
section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Code.
Financial Projection as of 21 May 2014
*** Condition: Concerned, but somewhat optimistic ***
Projected 2013 Budget $3,235.00
Expended against projection $1,238.53
Unplanned expenditures ($ 95.77)
Projected Excess/(Shortfall) ($ 779.89)
HBD, Inc. is projected to be bankrupt September 2014
As always, donors and donations are publicly acknowledged
and accounted for on the HBD web page. Thank you.
Send articles for __publication_only__ to post@hbd.org
If your e-mail account is being deleted, please unsubscribe first!!
To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE send an e-mail message with the word
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LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL USED EQUIPMENT? Please do not post about it here. Go
instead to http://homebrewfleamarket.com and post a free ad there.
The HBD is a copyrighted document. The compilation is copyright
HBD.ORG. Individual postings are copyright by their authors. ASK
before reproducing and you'll rarely have trouble. Digest content
cannot be reproduced by any means for sale or profit.
More information is available by sending the word "info" to
req@hbd.org or read the HBD FAQ at http://hbd.org.
JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce
Date: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 08:29:00 -0400
From: GEORGE FRAME <frames at metrocast.net>
Subject: Problem Carbonating lager
I lagered a bock in a 40 degree fridge for 3 months after a good
fermentation and room temp rest.
Then I bottled it like an ale but it doesn't want to carbonate after
4 weeks in the bottle at 55 degrees.
Any ideas on what I should do to carbonate this beer?
George Frame
Bristol, NH
End of HOMEBREW Digest #6090, 06/02/14
Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org
No "sponsor-level" donation yet this year
Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site!
********** Also visit http://hbd.org/hbdsponsors.html *********
DONATE to the Home Brew Digest. Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a
501(c)3 not-for-profit organization under IRS rules (see the
FAQ at http://hbd.org for details of this status). Donations
can be made by check to Home Brew Digest mailed to (NOTE NEW
HBD Server Fund
PO Box 871054
Canton, MI 48187-6054
or by paypal to address serverfund@hbd.org. DONATIONS of $250
or more will be provided with receipts. SPONSORSHIPS of any
amount are considered paid advertisement, and may be deductible
under IRS rules as a business expense. Please consult with your
tax professional, then see http://hbd.org for available
sponsorship opportunities.
Problem Carbonating lager (GEORGE FRAME)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy! *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Public Charity
[170(b)(1)(A)(vi)] All donations & gifts to the HBD are
tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue
Code; as are bequests, devises, transfer, or gifts under
section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Code.
Financial Projection as of 21 May 2014
*** Condition: Concerned, but somewhat optimistic ***
Projected 2013 Budget $3,235.00
Expended against projection $1,238.53
Unplanned expenditures ($ 95.77)
Projected Excess/(Shortfall) ($ 779.89)
HBD, Inc. is projected to be bankrupt September 2014
As always, donors and donations are publicly acknowledged
and accounted for on the HBD web page. Thank you.
Send articles for __publication_only__ to post@hbd.org
If your e-mail account is being deleted, please unsubscribe first!!
To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE send an e-mail message with the word
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IF YOU HAVE SPAM-PROOFED your e-mail address, you cannot subscribe to
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for the automation - that's your job.
HAVING TROUBLE posting, subscribing or unsusubscribing? See the HBD FAQ at
LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL USED EQUIPMENT? Please do not post about it here. Go
instead to http://homebrewfleamarket.com and post a free ad there.
The HBD is a copyrighted document. The compilation is copyright
HBD.ORG. Individual postings are copyright by their authors. ASK
before reproducing and you'll rarely have trouble. Digest content
cannot be reproduced by any means for sale or profit.
More information is available by sending the word "info" to
req@hbd.org or read the HBD FAQ at http://hbd.org.
JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce
Date: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 08:29:00 -0400
From: GEORGE FRAME <frames at metrocast.net>
Subject: Problem Carbonating lager
I lagered a bock in a 40 degree fridge for 3 months after a good
fermentation and room temp rest.
Then I bottled it like an ale but it doesn't want to carbonate after
4 weeks in the bottle at 55 degrees.
Any ideas on what I should do to carbonate this beer?
George Frame
Bristol, NH
End of HOMEBREW Digest #6090, 06/02/14
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