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AJ (Stencil and Kai) and sample cooling. ("Jason Gazeley")
mash temperature ("Darrell G. Leavitt")
ProMash Plato Adjustment ("Dan Rogers")
Cold Conditioning a Wit ("Elston Gunn")
Brewing software and Vista (Tom Puskar)
Awful flavor in beverage line ("Jason Gazeley")
Reg: Therminator ("LANCE HARBISON")
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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2008 23:32:59 -0600
From: "Jason Gazeley" <jason.gazeley at>
Subject: AJ (Stencil and Kai) and sample cooling.
Thanks Stencil for your suggestion. I am thinking of freezing
a shot glass or two for sample cooling.
AJ thank you as well. Although I do believe your posts are
too heavy for many on this forum I do not think you should
dumb them down. Because I am one of those people I can
say that If I need clarification on your posts I will ask.
That is the great thing about HBD. When someone responds to
one of your posts they are showing an interest in helping you with
your issues. Responses to your questions are an invitation to
request as much clarity (from people like AJ) as you need.
Sometimes what we need is not answers but more questions to answer.
Because of AJ, Stencil, and Kai I spent a good chunk of time yeasterday,
with John Palmer's How to Brew, building a mash water profile for my
Imperial Stout. I have to say I feel pretty good about it. I am even
comfortable with the salts I may have to add to raise or lower the pH
during the mash. One week ago this stuff was over my head.
Thanks and cheers,
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 05:30:09 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Darrell G. Leavitt" <leavitdg at>
Subject: mash temperature
If you don't mind speculating: what do you think that the final %alc
would be had you step mashed the first batch, ie #85. That is, would
there be a benefit to a second rest in the 155-158F range, in terms of
final yield?
I ask in that I have operated under the assumption that if I wanted to
get the most out of my malt, and unless I was brewing a malty stout or
Scottish style ale, I could get the most out of the grain by stopping in
both the lower and then the upper range. I believe that I got this from
Fix and Fix, but also, perhaps here on the HbD.
Or is it the case that in mashout one passes through the upper range, and
the alpha amylase doesn't need as much time, so this would not be needed?
Thankyou for sharing this with us.
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 09:53:02 -0400
From: "Dan Rogers" <dan at>
Subject: ProMash Plato Adjustment
A.J. asked in his questions on Friday:
>9. "Why does ProMash provide a calibration adjustment that recommends a
>4% difference between Brix and Plato?" I am puzzled by this too.
Now, having no experience with PM or in which direction the 4% adjustment
favors (Brix or Plato), I'll take a shot in the dark on this on. As A.J.
stated, Brix is typically utilized for simple sugar solutions (sucrose or
fructose) while Plato was the traditional scale used for brewing with
it's complex solutions of sugars/dextrins, etc. Is it possible PM is
trying to compensate a Brix reading for wort to account for all of the
non-simple sugar components present? This would seem difficult given the
wide range of sugars/dextrins that may be present in different kinds of
A.J., if you would, let your cognitive craw chew on this for a while. If
it is common drivel, feel free to spit it out. However, if you find some
meaningful flavor here, please expound. I feel unqualified as I am more
into working with muons, gluons and quarks than ionic or covalent bonds.
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 18:02:14 -0500
From: "Elston Gunn" <elston_gunn at>
Subject: Cold Conditioning a Wit
Brewed a Belgian wit this weekend. OG 1.054 (perhaps a tad high).
Would like to cold condition this one.
At what gravity should I cold condition?
And then, how long at what temp? Thanks.
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2008 19:49:08 -0400
From: Tom Puskar <tpuskar at>
Subject: Brewing software and Vista
I finally got rid of the old Windows 98 computer and got a new notebook
running Vista. Does anyone have any experience with homebrew recipe
programs on Vista? I'm leaning towards ProMash but wondered if it is
Thanks for any comments.
Tom in Howell, NJ
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 18:04:54 -0600
From: "Jason Gazeley" <jason.gazeley at>
Subject: Awful flavor in beverage line
I recently bought a bunch of 3/16 beverage line from MoreBeer and even
after cleanin it with both PBW and BLC thuroughly rinsing and
sanitizing with StarSan I still get an awful flavor from all of the
beer that sits in the line. How do I get rid of that flavor?
- --
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2008 20:18:58 -0500
From: "LANCE HARBISON" <harbison65 at>
Subject: Reg: Therminator
Joe is interested in cooling 100 gallons of wort with a minimal amount of
water. For what it is worth I use a Chillzilla on 20 gallon batches. For
my last batch I estimate that I used between 30 and 40 gallons of water and
it took about an hour. The cooling water was barely flowing but it was
enough to do the wash cycle of a super size load of laundry and it also
provided part of the rinse water required. From what I've read about the
Therminator it will cool 10 gallons in 5 minutes at the water rate of 10
gallons per minute. For 100 gallons I would investigate glycol chillers.
Lance Harbison
End of HOMEBREW Digest #5429, 10/06/08