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Re: Berliner Weiss (Stephen Jorgensen)
Brix/Plato conversion ("A.J deLange")
Siebel Advanced Homebrewing Course ("Lemcke Keith")
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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2010 21:16:04 -0500
From: Stephen Jorgensen <stephen at>
Subject: Re: Berliner Weiss
I tried this once and it turned out fairly well, 50/50 wheat and pale
malt with 1/4 oz Hallertau pellets in the mash at 150F 1 hour and mashed
out at 170. Sparged through a counterflow chiller into fermenter. OG
was 1.045 for 6 gallons. I fermented with a Lacto starter as previously
described by the Wyeast method and Danstar dry german wheat yeast.
Can't find my notes but I remember I didn't add the Lacto until high
kraeusen to lessen the PH shock. Left it in the primary for two weeks
at 65 - 70 F and racked it off for immediate bottling.
I was very happy with the acid level but there was a noticeable DMS
flavor which, with the acid, was a bit like green olives but certainly
drinkable. I was attending Siebel at the time and had the opportunity
to ask Michael Eder from Doemens about DMS in Berliner Weiss. I was
told that in Germany they do not boil Berliner and they do mot mash out
because the DMS precursors are not formed below 70C. The mash and the
wort are never taken above saccharification temps at all. I did not ask
but can safely assume that in order to get the Lacto into the beer there
is a cold sour mash rather than a culture due to the Reinheitsgebot.
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 14:14:04 -0400
From: "A.J deLange" <ajdel at>
Subject: Brix/Plato conversion
As a consequence of researching the Brix question further I have
discovered, after years of wondering, exactly what the relationship
between Brix and Plato (as calculated by the ASBC polynomial) for a
given specific gravity (20/20, apparent), S, is and it is
Plato - Brix = (((-2.81615*S + 8.79724)*S - 9.1626)*S + 3.18213)
A couple of examples (pmb(1) is the function given above)
pmb(1) = 0.00062
pmb(1.04) = 0.00033503
pmb(1.08) = 8.47872e-05
Thus the differences are in the 4th and 5th decimal places in Plato (%
w/w) units. As 1 P corresponds to 0.004 specific gravity units going
in the other direction the differences between specific gravity
calculated from Brix and Plato %w/w values would be 0.004*0.00062 =
00000248 and 0.000335*0.004 = 0.0000013 at the high end of the ASBC
polynomial's range.
These values were arrived at by fitting a 4th order polynomial to the
data in Table 114 of NBS (now NIST) circular 440 which seems to stand
as the authority to this day in the US at least.
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 16:58:51 -0400
From: "Lemcke Keith" <klemcke at>
Subject: Siebel Advanced Homebrewing Course
Just a reminder that there is still time to register for the Siebel
Institute Advanced Homebrewing Course (July 26 - 30, 2010) and qualify
for the early registration discount. You have until June 26th to
register for the course at the early registration price. As this course
usually sells out, please don't wait to sign up.
For more information on the Siebel Institute Advanced Homebrewing
Course, download our complete course catalog at . If you
have questions regarding our course, contact us at
info at
Keith Lemcke
Siebel Institute of Technology
End of HOMEBREW Digest #5696, 06/10/10