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Re State of Promash ("Grant Stott")
Maple Syrup - Part II (stihlerunits)
Maple Syrup (Matt Falenski)
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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 17:06:04 +1000
From: "Grant Stott" <gstott1 at>
Subject: Re State of Promash
try 2
No affiliation to Promash etc.
Ed Jones asked about the current state of promash.
My 5c worth.
Sure there have been no updates for ages but it does everything I need.
I have gone from hydrometer to refractometer. From 23 liter (6 gal) to
50 liter (13 gal ?) batches. Updated p.c several times ( now windows 7 )
and Promash is still serving me well.
Are there better brewing programs out there, Could well be, but I am =
content to stick with it.
Not sure if this is what the intent of your question was, or a different =
Geelong, Australia
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2010 08:56:52 -0700
From: <stihlerunits at>
Subject: Maple Syrup - Part II
After I posted my question regarding the extract of maple syrup I got to
thinking that it should really not be all that hard to calculate it
based upon the information available. I was going to cancel my post but
alas it was too late.
I appreciate all the responses I got for my question.
At any rate, I came up with a value of 32-33 gravity units per pound per
gallon which is similar to what other folks have noted.
I believe I calculated the values correctly but....
At any rate, I'd appreciate it if folks would check out what I have and
see if my logic (or arithmetic) is off somewhere.
By definition maple syrup contains 66-68% sugar. The 68% is an end
member since I believe the sugar crystalizes into maple sugar that
At any rate, using any number of online Brix/Specific Gravity converters
you would find that 66% and 68% correspond to specific gravity values of
1.329 and 1.342 respectively.
I'll just do the 66% one as an example:
(1.000 ml/1.329 g) x (453.59 g/lb) = 341.30 ml/lb
(341.30 ml/lb) X (1.00 fluid oz/29.57 ml) = 11.54 fluid oz/lb
34% or 3.92 fluid oz. of which is water.
Now converting to weights:
66% of one pound (i.e. 16 oz.) of maple syrup is 10.56 oz by weight of
sugar and the remaining 5.44 oz. by weight is water.
When one adds one pound of maple syrup to one gallons (128 oz.) of water
you end up with 128 oz. + 3.92 oz. = 131.92 fluid oz. of water and 10.56
oz. by weight of sugar.
Therefore, the resultant sugar content is: 10.56 oz./131.92 fluid oz. =
0.0800 or 8.00% sugar.
Once again using your trusty Brix converter you find this corresponds to
a value of 1.032.
Therefore, for 66% maple sugar the extract is 32 gravit units per pound
per gallon.
Doing the same calculations for 68% one finds that 11.40 fluid oz. of
such maple syrup is one pound and the corresponding extract is 1.033 per
pound per gallon.
Therefore, the extract of maple syrup should be 32-33 gravity units per
pound per gallon.
Please let me know if I've gone amiss somewhere.
Scott Stihler
Fairbanks, Alaska
[2874, 324.9] Apparent Rennerian
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 08:59:21 -0700 (PDT)
From: Matt Falenski <mfalenski at>
Subject: Maple Syrup
In reply to Scott Stihlers question about predicted extract
of maple syrup...
At a minimum, maple syrup has a 66% sugar content (66 Brix)
but can have more. It's SG is roughly about 1.331.
The darker the color, the stronger the flavor, too, so
keep that in mind.
I've never done a beer with maple syrup yet, but I have
done a few maple wines,
check these out if you're interested...
End of HOMEBREW Digest #5733, 09/09/10