Sunday, February 26, 2012

Homebrew Digest #5902 (February 26, 2012)

HOMEBREW Digest #5902 Sun 26 February 2012

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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RE: How much is too much for a partial mash pale ale/ipa? ("David Houseman")
Kegging 5.5 gal in 7.25 keg (Joe Starzyk)
Looking for MT heating solution (Mike Eyre)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce


Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 08:23:20 -0500
From: "David Houseman" <david.houseman at>
Subject: RE: How much is too much for a partial mash pale ale/ipa?


Welcome to homebrewing and HBD. You'll likely get a number of answers to
your questions. But I'm a firmly believe the best advice is for you to
start your library of brewing/beer books with "how to" and "style" books.
For example How To Brew by John Palmer, Homebrewing Volume 1 by Al Korzonas,
and The Complete Joy of Homebrewing by Charlie Papazian would excellent
sources of answers to these and other answers to come. The AHA has a
series on many of the recognized styles, Pale Ale is one of them. As you
move forward, forget recipes. You can be inspired by a others' recipes but
few if any recipes are complete enough, and homebrewers' process engineering
is not adequate enough to actually re-create another beer. You might get
close. But there are enough variations in our systems that homebrewers are
better served by taking that inspiration and create your own recipes. Ray
Daniels' Designing Great Beers is a great place to start. Google these.
Join the American Homebrewers Association. Visit Amazon.

Good luck,

David Houseman


Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 08:32:49 -0500
From: Joe Starzyk <jestarzyk at>
Subject: Kegging 5.5 gal in 7.25 keg

I recently came upon a 7.25 gal used keg that I would like to incorporate
into my home brew setup. Question is this -- can I keg a 5.5 gallon batch in
the larger keg and still naturally carbonate? My concern is that there will
be too much head space over the brew - even after blowing out the air several
times with C02. I do realize that force carbonating is still an option.

Second question, if I opt to start brewing larger batches (7.5 gal for
example) and I then ferment in separate containers, are there any risks
associated with combining the batches into a single keg once fermetnation ahs
finished and it is time to keg condition?

Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 10:18:36 -0500
From: Mike Eyre <mikeeyre74 at>
Subject: Looking for MT heating solution

Hey kids!

I originally built a three tier brewery, with all converted kegs for
kettles. Each tier had i's own propane burner. Since I built this thing, I've
acquired a brewery pump and then electrified both the HLT and the boil
kettle. I'm now looking for a solution fo go electric with the mashtun too,
but can't find a real nice, cost effective plan. I've been RIM'sing for a
while now with the propane under the false bottom.. but this doesn't seem to
be a 1:1 swap like the other kettles were by replacing burners with elements.
I've pondered HERMS, but the cost of copper and the slower ramp times, and
addition cleaning of said HERMS tubes is sorta putting me off. I'm also
familiar with the newfangled RIMS tube ideas, but.. wow, that much SS for the
tubes is darned expensive! Is there anything you all are using that I'm
missing? Electric is also nice in that it's going to allow me to hook up a
PID controller, thus my want to go all electric.. any help, appreciated!

Mike Eyre

mikeeyre74 at

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5902, 02/26/12