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Re: Dry hopping (jeff)
Re: Dry Hopping ("David Houseman")
RE: Counterpressuree bottle filler ("David Houseman")
Re: Dry Hopping (W8AV)
Dry Hopping response (Joseph M Labeck Jr)
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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 06:08:11 -0400
From: jeff <climbzen at>
Subject: Re: Dry hopping
On 3/30/2012 1:01 AM, tom wrote:
> Things I'm considering include:
> -dumping hops in a sanitized bag directly into the secondary for about 7-10
> days
> -finding hop oil or extract and adding it prior to bottling
> -making a hop tea by boiling some pellets in either water of wort and adding
> it prior to bottling. I need to figure out how much and how long to boil.
when i dry hop i just dump them in the fermenter. i don't do secondaries
unless i'm bulk aging or adding fruit, but if you do this would be a
good time to add them. no need to use a bag unless you are doing it
right in the keg and want to be able to pull them out with out
transferring. hop extract won't work, it is for bittering and will not
give you nice hop aroma and taste, just make a very bitter beer. i have
never done a hop tea so can't say how it will work, but i know when
people do it they just steep the hops they don't boil them. so in the
end i say just dump them in, give the fermenter a little swirl and wait
a week. if i'm doing a supper hoppy ipa i'll break my dry hop in too two
additions and add half, wait 5 days, add the other half and wait 5 more
days then bottle. good luck.
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 07:17:49 -0400
From: "David Houseman" <david.houseman at>
Subject: Re: Dry Hopping
Do #1. Just put the hops in a sanitized bag or tea ball. Or not in
anything if you have filter on your racking cane. The hops themselves are
antiseptic and nothing much is growing on them. Plus by the time you are
dry hopping, the pH of the beer has dropped and there is alcohol, so little
then grows.
David Houseman
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 07:27:44 -0400
From: "David Houseman" <david.houseman at>
Subject: RE: Counterpressuree bottle filler
I've made one from directions in an old issue of Brewing Techniques, Brew
Your Own or Zymurgy. Check these on-line. Or even Google. But since
building a counter pressure bottle filler, and buying one, I won a Beer Gun.
I would never go back. The Beer Gun is much easier to use, far less messy
when you screw up (my ceiling is stout colored) and the beer is just as
carbonated. Plus the bottles fill more consistently with less head space
due to over foaming of the beer from the counter pressure filler. I
imagine you can make of of these as well with a little research.
David Houseman
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 10:06:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: W8AV at
Subject: Re: Dry Hopping
When I dry hop, I just dump the hop pellets (or flowers if I am using them)
into the secondary fermenter and rack the finished beer on top of them.
The alcohol level in the finished beer will be high enough to kill any
nasties that might be living on the hops. Plus, the hops have antiseptic
properties that helps keep them free of the bad bugs.
You will just have to take extra care in racking the beer off the dry hops
when using pellets to make sure the hops remain behind in the carboy and
don't go into the keg or bottles. I keg all my beers here and use an inline
filter screen to accomplish this when using pellet hops. When I use
flowers for dry hopping (which I do most of the time), there is less chance of
picking up pieces of hop material when kegging or transferring to the
bottling bucket.
Hope this helps.
Wooster, OH
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 10:06:02 -0400
From: Joseph M Labeck Jr <jmlabeck at>
Subject: Dry Hopping response
Hi, all;
Tom Puskay was asking about the best method to "ramp up" his hop
flavor. A lot depends on what you're actually trying to do. I it's
flavor and aroma, probably a sanitized bag is the best way, and probably
the only way to get aroma into the beer, For flavor, a tea would
probably do the trick, as long as you keep the temperature and time down
(below boiling, and below 15 minutes). For just bitterness, hop extract
is the easiest if all. Hope it works out for ya.
End of HOMEBREW Digest #5928, 03/30/12