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Volume of a starter for a lager ("Art & Liz McGregor")
That "Homebrew Taste" ("Dunn, Scott C FLNR:EX")
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* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy! *
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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 06:19:03 -0400
From: "Art & Liz McGregor" <a.l.mcgregor at>
Subject: Volume of a starter for a lager
Greetings All,
I have a question on the volume of a starter for a lager (5 gal batch). I
have use 2 smack packs for my last 3 lagers with no problems, but wanted to
re-use some washed yeast from an earlier batch to save some money and
another trip to the homebrew store.
What is the recommended size for a starter for a lager. I thought it was
around 2 liters or 2 quarts for a 5 gal batch. Is that the volume of the
wort and washed yeast, or is the volume of the decanted yeast after the
starter is done? Since it is recommended that you pitch at high krausen, I
would believe it is the combined volume of the wort and yeast in the
Thanks in advance.
Hoppy Brewing,
Art McGregor
(Northern Virginia)
<Art.McGregor at>
<A.L.mcgregor at>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 08:11:54 -0700
From: "Dunn, Scott C FLNR:EX" <Scott.Dunn at>
Subject: That "Homebrew Taste"
Hello All:
Not to belabour the point to much, I hope most of understood the use of
quotation marks in my post. I used them to characterize a generic criticism
of home made beer. We have all heard those comments from when we first
started making beer. Hmmm you made that yourself eh, that has a rather taste,
Wow that sure does not taste like store bought beer, etc...
I do like the points Dave makes, looking after the details and being squeaky
clean is the secret. The thing I do not like about plastics is that they can
be very hard to get really clean, the micro cracks can easily harbour
bacteria. When I finally got rid of the unwanted guest in my brew, I figured
out they were living in side walls of my primary fermenter plastic bucket. I
switched to splitting the batch into two glass carbouys with bubblers for a
week then into a single once the krausen had gone down and presto bango my
brew tasted great.
Like I said this is what worked for me.
On another note I am looking for discussion and a design about a counter
pressure bottle filler, has anyone got on?
I hope this helps
Scott C. Dunn RPF
End of HOMEBREW Digest #5921, 03/22/12