Sunday, April 1, 2012

Homebrew Digest #5929 (April 01, 2012)

HOMEBREW Digest #5929 Sun 01 April 2012

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Re: Dry hopping (jeff)
No chill brewing (David Root)
Home brewing podcast (Joseph M Labeck Jr)
Rehydrating yeast; Recirculating wort (Nathaniel Letcher)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce


Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 05:57:38 -0400
From: jeff <climbzen at>
Subject: Re: Dry hopping

On 3/31/2012 1:09 AM, i wrote wrote:
> hop extract won't work, it is for bittering and will not
> give you nice hop aroma and taste, just make a very bitter beer.
as luck would have it after i posted this yesterday, i was reading an
article in a back issue of byo about hop torpedoes. in the article they
mention when sierra nevada was looking for ways of adding hop flavor
aroma one option was hop extracts post boil. so my comment was wrong.
sorry about the false information. i had always read that they were just
used for bittering and that they are supper bitter since the hop oils
are already isomerized. i would still stick with just dumping hops in
the fermenter though.


Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 04:03:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Root <david_root2000 at>
Subject: No chill brewing

I have read on other websites about no chill brewing. I have done it quite
a few times with good luck. I would like some feed back from here.

What I have been doing is after my hops steep for 5 minutes , I hook a hose
to the outlet of the brew kettle and run the hot wort into the conical
stainless fermenter from the bottom. When its full, I cap, add air lock and
leave it alone. The next morning or evening I can then draw the trub off
hte bottom and add the yeast. I have had Zero problems so far in about 10

I guess my question is why is quick chilling so important?

I am blessed, my girlfriends children got together and bought me a second
stainless fermenter so I have twins! The last 10 gallon batch I brewed, I
put the chiller in the brew to sanitize it, then put it in each fermenter to
cool it to pitching temp.

My biggest like about the no chill brewing is the fermenter is guaranteed
sanitized with 190 f degree wort.

I did a batch this winter. When I was done brewing, I left it out side to
cool over night. Then next morning the wort was in the 40s, so I left it
inside. Then too warm the next morning. I did not get the brew to
pitching temp until the end of the 3rd day with what I could see as no ill
effects. No fermentation action in the airlock, no foam on top and it tasted
like wort. The beer was good and is now gone.

Long time HBD reader. I used to print the digest on an impact printer, all
twenty some pages and read it at work. Now I read it on my phone.

David Root


Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 12:41:27 -0400
From: Joseph M Labeck Jr <jmlabeck at>
Subject: Home brewing podcast

Hi, everybody;
I've avoided posting this for a LONG time. This just feels too close to
advertising. Since March of 2011, I've done a little half-hour internet
show on home brewing. I do the show live, talking, taking calls,
occasional guest; then, the show is available as a downloadable podcast.
I'm on live every Sunday at 6:30 PM Eastern Time.

I decided to name the show "You Make What?", because that was often the
answer I got when I mentioned I made beer.
Am I an "expert"? Heck, no! But, after 23 years, I'd like to think I've
learned a couple of things. And the odd thing is that I've learned as
much in doing the show as I've taught.

The bottom line is I love to talk about beer. I hope you'll consider
listening, and calling.


Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2012 10:45:24 -0500
From: Nathaniel Letcher <nathaniel.letcher at>
Subject: Rehydrating yeast; Recirculating wort

I recently came across a blog post (
) in which the
cautions against a) rehydrating dried yeast, and b) performing a Vorlauf
prior to lautering. He claims that rehydrating will "strip your yeast of
(FAN)" and that recirculating wort will "strip out fatty acids that are
for yeast nutrition." Of course, like much of homebrewing lore, he provides
scientific evidence for either of these assertions. So I was curious what
members of the forum are doing and how they believe this affects their beer.

Nathan Letcher
St Louis, MO

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5929, 04/01/12