HOMEBREW Digest #5957 Wed 12 September 2012
Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org
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Brewing a "Church Beer" ("Eric \"Rick\" Theiner")
Fwd: Brewing a "Church Beer" (Patrick Babcock)
Ginger beer ("Alan & Ondina Colton")
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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 07:19:44 -0400
From: "Eric \"Rick\" Theiner" <rick at ecologiccleansers.com>
Subject: Brewing a "Church Beer"
Hail Brewers,
I have been asked to brew a commemorative beer for my church's 150th
anniversary. I've got some time before the official bottling (the
date of the anniversary is December, 2013) so I can work on the recipe
to perfect it for my system and taste, but I am looking for some
thoughts on style and starting recipe at the moment. We have drinkers
of all types in the congregation, so it's not exactly out of the
question to brew something interesting, but I don't want to do
something like a barley wine or imperial stout because of crowd
On the other hand, I'd rather not get into the lagering and cold
fermentation necessary to do a really crisp and light beer. I'm
thinking about a Kolsch fermented as an ale, but that's a style I
haven't brewed for nearly 20 years and I don't have a starting recipe
that I know anything about.
In case anyone has the thought that maybe there's a historical tie-in
somehow, the church is Episcopal (that's essentially the American
offshoot of the Anglican/Church of England) and the location is
Allentown, PA (which is where the Liberty Bell was hidden when the
British came looking for metal during the Revolutionary War). I'm not
a history guy, so I don't know anything that was really cooking in
either the area or the US in 1863, but if someone wants to jump in
about something meaningful there, that would be great.
So any thoughts at all that might occur to you would be helpful (beer
style, recipe, and potential tie in to either the churchy bit,
denomination, or history at the time). Thanks much!
Rick Theiner
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 08:30:40 -0400
From: Patrick Babcock <patrick.babcock at gmail.com>
Subject: Fwd: Brewing a "Church Beer"
Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager...
On Wed, 12 Sep 2012 07:19:44 -0400, "Eric \"Rick\" Theiner"
<rick at ecologiccleansers.com> said many things, but I only heard:
"I have been asked to brew a commemorative beer for my church's 150th
anniversary ... I don't want to do
something like a barley wine or imperial stout because of crowd
appeal ... I'd rather not get into the lagering"
Two words: cream ale. Though decidedly more flavorful, pre-pro pilsner
is the great granddaddy for what passes as beer today, and most there
are likely drinkers of that swill (today's beer). Since you're not
interested in brewing a lager, cream ale fits your need because it is
that same beer fermented as an ale. Renner's "Your Father's
Moustache" pre-pro pilsner would serve nicely as the base recipe.
White labs WLP001, or Wyeast 1056 - something clean that doesn't throw
a lot of esters...
It also likely had its roots in or around Pennsylvania.
- --
See ya!
Pat Babcock
Chief of HBD Janitorial Services
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 10:31:02 -0600
From: "Alan & Ondina Colton" <thecoltons at btl.net>
Subject: Ginger beer
From: Ralph Link <ralphl at shaw.ca>
Subject: Ginger beer
I would like to make a batch of alcoholic ginger beer. Does anyone have
a recommendation as to the type of Wyeast I should use and any comments
on the sugar to use (dextrose, cane sugar, white sugar etc. )
Thanks in advance
Ralph, I would be interested in seeing the recipe for your ginger beer.
I will be experimenting with brewing a ginger beer soon. I have just made a
couple of pounds of crystallized ginger and in the process ended up with a
couple of pints of concentrated ginger syrup [equivalent to 8 cups brown
sugar]. My intention is to add this at the end of boil. I will only be using
2 row malt and at the moment I am not sure whether I should make any hop
additions. I will ferment using Saflager dry yeast.
Alan Colton
Swamp Water Brewery of Belize.
End of HOMEBREW Digest #5957, 09/12/12