Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Homebrew Digest #6075 (January 28, 2014)

HOMEBREW Digest #6075 Tue 28 January 2014

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org


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RE: Homebrew Recipe Software (Half Pint Brewery)
Re: Homebrew Recipe Software (Pete Calinski)
re: "Dry" hopping ("Jeff McNally")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce


Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 09:27:52 -0800
From: Half Pint Brewery <halfpintbrew at gmail.com>
Subject: RE: Homebrew Recipe Software

Hi Michael,

You have a couple of options. I like Promash as it is what I learned on.
It hasn't been updated since 2009, but does work on newer operating systems
(Win 7 & 8) with only the Help function not currently working. The other
major home brewing software package is BeerSmith. It is being updated (Dec
2013), but I have a preference to Promash.

In Promash, I have all my recipes saved into BJCP beer style folders. So it
is pretty well organized. Only problem I have with Promash, is saving
recipes without overwriting the original is a little kludgey. Other than
that, works great for me.

Hope this helps,


> ----------------------------------------------------------------------



> Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 14:08:22 -0600

> From: Michael <blairdad at everestkc.net>

> Subject: Homebrew Recipe Software


> Hoping my fellow brewers can help me out with a recommendation or two.

> After almost 20 years of keeping my recipes and notes in a paper file,

> decided to take the time and get organized with a recipe database. I know

> there are several good homebrew software applications available, but I'd

> like advice/recommendations on the one that best focuses on the simple

> of storing and cataloguing recipes. I want to input beer styles, beer

> titles, ingredients, brewing instructions, brewing dates, ratings, and

> notes. The goal is to be able to easily sort and find recipes, modify

> recipes, etc.


> I know I could do this by creating my own database in MS Access or other

> database software, but I figure some of the extra's that come with the

> homebrew software I've seen may be advantageous. Plus, why recreate the

> wheel if a good recipe database already out there? Thanks.


> Michael Blair

> blairdad at everestkc.net


Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:32:23 -0500
From: Pete Calinski <pete.calinski at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Homebrew Recipe Software

I like ProMash. Although it can seem overly complex at first.

It keeps recipes, allows sessions where you can modify a recipe (like for
different hop alpha)

Different mash schedules, water profiles, etc, etc.

But the thing I really use is the inventory. It keeps your inventory. When
you have your brew session ready to go it will check it against your
inventory and you can see what you need. Then when you brew you can tell it
to subtract what you used.

Best $25.00 Christmas present I ever got.

My $0.02


Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 19:47:23 -0500
From: "Jeff McNally" <jeff ri at cox.net>
Subject: re: "Dry" hopping

Hi All,

In HBD# 6074 Scott Dunn asked for some tips about dry hopping, and how to
increase hop flavor and aroma.

First off, I have dry hopped many times and never had an issue with
getting any type of infection from the process. The alcohol level in the
beer after the primary ferment is finished, and the lack of food for the
bugs, should prevent infections from any bugs that may be on the dry hops.
Maybe you were dry hopping a lower alcohol beer? Maybe you just got some
"buggy" hops? Maybe the infection was from a different source than the
hops? It's almost impossible to say what went wrong.

I haven't tried the process yet for myself, but there is a fairly new hop
flavor and aroma addition process called "hop stands". The idea is that you
add the hops after the wort has cooled down to approximately 160F or 170F
and let them sit at that temp for a while before cooling further (not sure
exactly how long, but it's not too long). It pretty much requires an
immersion chiller. This hop stand addition can replace either or both of
the knock off and/or dry hops.

I have tried several beers made with this method and the result was very
nice. Great aroma and flavor without the vegetal notes that can sometimes
occur with heavy dry hopping.

Jeff McNally

Tiverton, RI

(652.2 miles, 90.0 deg) A.R.


End of HOMEBREW Digest #6075, 01/28/14