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9th Annual Lallemand Scholarship Winner ("Rob")
Sustaining Members of the Homebrew Digest (Fred L Johnson)
Re: Music. Well sort of. (Timmy R)
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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 03:35:11 -0500
From: "Rob" <jethrogump at>
Subject: 9th Annual Lallemand Scholarship Winner
9th Annual Lallemand Scholarship Winner
Lallemand, manufacturer of the DANSTAR product line of Active Dry
Yeasts, is pleased to announce that Peter Symons, of Sydney, Australia, is
the winner of the 9th Annual Lallemand Scholarship. Peter is an accomplished
brewer....his biography follows.
The Lallemand Scholarship is awarded to a member of the American
Homebrewer's Association, and provides full tuition to the World Brewing
Academy's Concise Course in Brewing Technology, held at the Siebel Institute
in Chicago, Illinois, and valued at USD $3,035. The winner also receives a
USD $ 1000 stipend to assist with travel and accommodation expenses.
Previous winners of the Scholarship are 2007: John Burke, 2006: G.L. Exire
LaToure, 2005: Chad Stevens, 2004: John McGill, 2003: Tony Simmons, 2002:
Jeremy Lenzendorf; 2001: Antoinette Hodges, 2000: Richard Sieben.
Further information regarding the Lallemand Scholarship may be found
at and , or
contact Rob Moline at danstar at
Congratulations to Peter and Best Wishes to next year's entrants!
Rob Moline
"The More I Know About Beer, The More I Realize I Need To Know More About
Peter Symons Biography
I am 55 years old and live in Oatley, Sydney. My original motivation to
start brewing was the lack of decent ale in the land of mega swill lager. I
have now been brewing for about 10 years, initially from kits then partial
mash then in 2000 after backing the winner Brew (what else) in the Melbourne
Cup full mashing with the acquisition of a 60l kettle, burner etc from my
I am a member of Extra Special Brewers homebrew club, a great bunch of guys
who fearlessly taste test every month.
I have a Graduate Certificate in Brewing from Ballarat University, have
judged at state and national levels and I passed the BJCP exam in January
this year, and am now at Recognised level.
My day job involves providing project, engineering and line management
services in railway signalling through my company Tritun Pty Ltd. I am a
Fellow of the Institution of Railway Signalling Engineers, a Master Project
Director and a Member of the Australian Institute of Project Management.
The Lallemand scholarship provides an excellent opportunity to extend my
brewing knowledge.
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 07:22:31 -0400
From: Fred L Johnson <FLJohnson52 at>
Subject: Sustaining Members of the Homebrew Digest
I would willing to become a "sustaining member" of the Homebrew
Digest if enough of us were willing to join in to keep the amount
small. I certainly don't want the HBD to be some exclusive club of
"members", but perhaps if enough of us were willing to be sustaining"
members, then the subscription could be kept free to everyone else.
Pat: I'm sure you would need a head-count on how many would be
willing to do this. We would need for you to set a goal for the
number of sustaining members willing to donate X dollars annually to
keep the HBD afloat. If we could double that number of donors, the
fee would be half, and as everyone saw the dollar amount coming down,
more and more would join. For example, how many would you need to
contribute $10 annually to sustain this? Perhaps a quick count among
those of us getting the digest now would give you some idea of how
feasible this would be? Perhaps posting a sign-up sheet on the web
site would get this started, and you could continue to post updates
to the HBD so that everyone reading the Digest would see the current
Sometimes it takes such a crisis as this for me to reach into my
wallet, but I'd be happy to give a small amount regularly/annually to
keep the HBD going.
Fred L Johnson
Apex, North Carolina, USA
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 06:44:49 -0500
From: Timmy R <homebrewtim at>
Subject: Re: Music. Well sort of.
I am also a faithful listener of The Brewing Network. I've found
great info blended with entertainment. I've been listening for almost
2-years and do not miss an episode. Make sure to check out both
shows" "The Jamil Show" and "The Session"
End of HOMEBREW Digest #5373, 07/18/08