Thursday, January 17, 2013

Homebrew Digest #5997 (January 17, 2013)

HOMEBREW Digest #5997 Thu 17 January 2013

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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re: Great Club Malt Experiment ("Jeff McNally")
re: brett starter (Kevin Campbell)
Re: brett starter (Josh Sled)

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Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 13:53:02 -0500
From: "Jeff McNally" <jeff_ri at>
Subject: re: Great Club Malt Experiment

Hi All,

In HDB #5994 William Menzl asked about planning a malt experiment by his
homebrew club.

My homebrew club did this a few years ago, and the variability between
brewers mentioned in other replies does come into play. However, the
results are still very informative as to the flavors contributed by the
various malts used. Control as many variables as you can (i.e. yeast, mash
temps, water, etc) and you will learn a lot.

Jeff McNally
Tiverton, RI
(652.2 miles and 90.0 degrees Apparent Rennerian Coordinates)


Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 16:59:24 -0500
From: Kevin Campbell <kevincampbell27 at>
Subject: re: brett starter


I'm no expert having only done a couple batches with Brett but I did listen
to that interview and I believe he did say you could let it hang out in the
starter as long as you want. Brett's such a thorough "eater" that I would
expect it to find something to keep munching on for weeks if not months.
As for stepping it up, I think it depends on what you want out of the
beer. The more the Brett is stressed, the more of those funky flavors it
will kick out. The more you pitch the cleaner the beer will be.
Personally, I wouldn't bother.



Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 18:43:09 -0500
From: Josh Sled <jsled at>
Subject: Re: brett starter

jeff writes:
> i'm getting ready to make my first ever brett beer. it will be a hoppy
> pale ale brewed with 100% brett c. i had planned on brewing this coming
> sunday so i started my starter this past saturday as i had heard chad
> (no idea how to spell his last name) from crooked stave say to make
> brett starters one week in advance in an interview.

Chad Yakobson, of Crooked Stave and the Brettanomyces Project. If it's
the same interview I'm thinking of (BN's Sunday Session from last
spring:, it was a treasure trove
of information about Brett, very high signal/noise ratio (during the
actual interview, anyways; skip the first and last hour if you're not
familiar with the Sunday Session) and his passion is infectious, if
you'll pardon the pun.

My understanding is that Brett is slower than Sacc., and as you say, you
should target lager-like pitching volumes. My current Brett starter
didn't really show any activity until into this second week on the stir
plate, though I'm not being particularly rigorous in checking its
progress (either via gravity or cell count).

(Since I'm doing a 2-step starter with a months-old culture and actually
two different cultures (split 10gl batch); that'll end up being a full
month of time on the stir-plate. Hrm. Guess it's time for another stir
plate. ;)

I can't speak to flocculation/cold-crashing/decanting, unfortunately.

- --
...jsled - a=jsled;; echo ${a} at ${b}

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5997, 01/17/13