Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Homebrew Digest #5821 (April 06, 2011)

HOMEBREW Digest #5821 Wed 06 April 2011

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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5.2; HBD ("A. J. deLange")
Water profiles ("Dave Draper")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce


Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2011 00:50:01 -0400
From: "A. J. deLange" <ajdelan at>
Subject: 5.2; HBD

No, A.J. isn't too enthusiastic about 5.2. It's simply a mix of the mono
and dibasic sodium salts of phosphoric acid. It actually buffers at 5.8
in distilled water which has caused me to conclude that the phosphate in
the malt is supposed to supply additional phosphate to form the buffer.
But it doesn't seem to work. On another forum I say that it works well
unless there is a pH meter involved. I am waiting for the first report
from anyone who got it to do what it is supposed to do as confirmed by
properly made pH readings.

There is a reason why it doesn't work. Buffers have low buffering
capacity away from the pKs of the acid on whose salts the buffer is
based. 5.2 is not near any of the pKs of phosphoric acid (the rule of
thumb is that the difference in design pH and the nearest pK should be
less than one.)

Now all this is discussed extensively in other fora - but not here. Why?
After some head scratching I decided it is a question of format. To
submit the last message in a form HBD would accept took 4 tries - line
length etc. I had to copy the post into a text editor and insert hard
carriage returns. That aside, it then gets posted and appears next day
or the day after and the following day someone may respond which gets
posted the next day. The "competition" uses what seems these days to be
a more or less standard bulletin board format. You enter your post and
anyone who checks in 3 seconds later sees it. If he replies, and you've
ticked the proper box, you get an e-mail. IOW everything is immediate -
the instant gratification that everyone wants today, So why I am
mentioning this? In the hope that HBD might be able to get back to the
"glory days" I mentioned a day or 2 ago by changing format. I have no
idea what this would involve (other than the frustration, anger,
rage.... that are part of anything that involves software). I suspect
money would be involved.

What do the Janitors think?



Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2011 06:45:53 -0500
From: "Dave Draper" <david at>
Subject: Water profiles

On 5 Apr 2011 at 23:12, in #5820 Martin had this to say:

> I regret to say that the information posted on Dave's site is
> painfully incorrect. Unfortunately, this is an example of the
> mis-information that persists on the web and in print on water and
> water profiles. Of the non-Belgian profiles shown on that website,
> only Burton 3, Dortmund 2, Edinburgh, and Dublin 2 balance when their
> carbonate content is assumed to be bicarbonate. Dublin 1, Edinburgh
> 2, and Munich will also balance, but only if the carbonate is input as
> carbonate. Unfortunately, carbonate does not exist in significant
> concentration in typical drinking water. Most brewers would not
> understand the conflicts in these profiles.

Martin is of course completely correct, and this problem has been
known for a long time. I was merely collecting the info available at
that time. There have been dozens and dozens of posts over the years
(most by AJ!) discussing how to tweak these (and other) profiles so
that some kind of balance is achieved. I frankly haven't had the
energy to capture all that...

And it was by dumb luck that my "random beer quote" that my email
program generates for me happened to be one of AJ's...! I don't know
what the random quote will be until I hit Send...!

Cheers, Dave in Seabrook
David S. Draper, Institute of Meteoritics, Univ New Mexico
David at Draper dot Name
Beer page:
...we are usually at the mercy of gravity. ---A.J. deLange

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5821, 04/06/11