Friday, June 11, 2010

Homebrew Digest #5697 (June 11, 2010)

HOMEBREW Digest #5697 Fri 11 June 2010

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Berliner Weisse more detailed ("T. Rohner")

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and Spencer Thomas


Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 12:31:10 +0200
From: "T. Rohner" <t.rohner at>
Subject: Berliner Weisse more detailed

Hello again

In my first post, i described how i made my first 3 batches of "Berliner
Weisse" without my notes at hand. (My brewery notebook isn't networked,
so i didn't have access to my most recent Promash receipes at the time
of writing.)

Since i got a couple of PM's, asking for a more detailed receipe and the
Promsh file, i post it here. I wrote, that you can have my Promash file,
but i don't think it makes much sense. Most of the important steps is in
<Extras/Notes> and it's written there in my native language, which is


Weyermann wheat malt 8.82 Lbs.
Weyermann pilsner malt 6.61 Lbs.
resulting gravity around 8 Plato or 1.032 SG (style calls for SG between
1.026 and 1.036)

Tettnanger Hops (4.1 Alpha) 0.88 Oz. 60 minutes boil
6.7 IBU (style calls for 3-8 IBU)

Resulting batch size 14.5 Gals.
Water: our house mixture 50% of our pretty hard tap water and 50%
demineralized water

2x 11.5g packet of DCL US-05 yeast (US ale)
2x 11.5g packet of DCL WB-06 yeast (Wheat beer yeast)


Since it was the first time, we had to improvise a little bit... but
that's where the fun is.

We measured the grain and wetted it with about 5 fl oz. of water before
milling with our fixed gap JSP Maltmill. (wetting the grain makes a huge
difference later on, especially for lautering)

We mashed in 90% of the grist with about 3.5 Gals. of water at 145 F for
45 minutes.
We raised the temperature to 160 F for 30 minutes.

We have a 13.2 Gal. / 50 l insulated SS-Keg with a Easy-Masher as
mash/lauter tun with a 10kW burner for heating. But i think you could do
it with infusion as well, maybe with less water at mash-in.

Then we cooled it down to around 120 F. We did this by adding 2 Gals. of
cold water and by immersing water filled beer bottles tied on a
string... this was a strange sight ;-) We only have a selfmade
counterflow chiller, but next time i visit my HB-shop, i'll pick up a
immersion chiller.

Then we added the remaining 10% of the grist for innoculating the lactos
present on the malt, into the mash.
At that time the PH of the mash was at 5.4(friday 19:00)
We put a insulating lid on the tun and left it alone.

I was asked, why i let the sour-mash work for 14 hours. This is simply
because we did the mash on friday after work and brewed on saturdays
starting at 9:00. What i read on the net, people let their sour-mashes
work for 12-18 hours. So 14 hours made sense to me

Saturday at 9:00 the temperature of the mash was at 95 F and it smelled
quite unusual...for a mash. It was kinda "milky", like in a milk
processing or cheese making plant. It wasn't smelling cheesy, but more
like whey, if you know it.
The PH was at 4.4 at that time.

We did another saccarification rest at 145 F for 30 minutes.
Then 30 minutes at 160 F.

I don't know if this is really needed, for the remaining 10% of the
grist. I should have made a iodine test... Next time, i will check it.
I'm pretty sure this second mashing is overkill

Then we heated to mashout at 170 F for 10 minutes.
We lautered and sparged to collected some 10.5 Gals. of wort. We diluted
it to get 15 Gasl. pre-boil.

After it started to boil, we added 0.88 Oz. Tettnanger pellets (4.1
Alpha) for 60 minutes.

We cooled it down to 65 F with out counterflow chiller and collected
around 14 Gals.
Then, we added the rehydrated yeast mixture and oxygenated the wort with
medicinal pure oxygen with a SS diffusion stone.
We put the fermenter into our "fermentation freezer" set at 65 F. The
next day when i checked, it was foaming over and i reduced the temp to
60 F for two days, then i increased it to 68.
Judging from the bubbling activity in the air lock, i would say that
fermentation was complete in 4-5 days. But we left it for 2 weeks,
because of our brewing schedule.

After two weeks we added beet sugar for bottle conditioning. Carbonation
should be on the higher side. We used to use DME for carbonation for
almost 10 years. But one time, we were out of DME and we used plain
table sugar. I asked my brew buddies to tell me the difference between
DME and beet sugar carbonated beer in a little blind test. Like me, they
weren't able to. That's why we use beet sugar now. It's much cheaper and
readily available everywhere.

I choose this way of souring, because i don't need to have living lactos
in the fermenters. It seems to be a quite bulletproof way. We have HDPE
16 Gal. fermenters and use them for over 12 years without infections.

One of my brew buddies is in Berlin at the moment. I told him to grab a
couple of Schultheiss bottles for commercial calibration...

Cheers Thomas

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5697, 06/11/10