Sunday, March 4, 2012

Homebrew Digest #5908 (March 04, 2012)

HOMEBREW Digest #5908 Sun 04 March 2012

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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clearing oxygen (Tom Gardner)
Stratification ("A. J. deLange")
Filling cornys ("Mike Maag")
CO2 and oxygen (Tom Gardner)
Re: Keg Purging..Gas Mixing .etc (Bob Sheck)
Plain text and purging (David Root)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce


Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 23:41:22 -0500 (EST)
From: Tom Gardner <tomagardner at>
Subject: clearing oxygen

I clean my cornies with hot PBW and sanitize them by filling with StarSan.
Then I push the StarSan into the next keg with CO2. This leaves the
keg clean, sanitized and full of pressurized CO2.


Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2012 09:34:02 -0500
From: "A. J. deLange" <ajdel at>
Subject: Stratification

Stratification is real. We've all seen examples of it. The grammar
school science demonstration where a lit candle is put in the bottom of
one pitcher while vinegar and baking soda are put into the bottom of
another is one. The CO2 (not the liquid) from the second is then poured
into the first and the candle goes out. If you have ever ridden a
motorcycle on a calm summer's eve you have experienced a sudden
temperature drop when you go through a low lying area. Apparently an
insurance inspector upon arriving at a gas explosion knows as soon as he
approaches the house knows the cause. If the roof and attic are blow off
it was natural gas. If the basement is blown out it was propane.

But stratification is not the the equilibrium condition. The model I
gave in an earlier post says that when CO2 and air are put into a
container, even if the CO2 is layered on the bottom initially, at
thermodynamic equilibrium they will be mixed. But thermodynamics does
not say how long it will take for equilibrium to be reached nor, indeed,
whether it will ever be reached. All it tells us is what the most
probable state is. As an example the model I posted says that cold CO2
at the bottom of a Cornelius keg would stay there longer than hot
nitrogen and oxygen would stay in the headpace because the molecules of
CO2 would (being colder and heavier) move more slowly. It is also
possible that we could put hot air over a layer of cold CO2 and come
back a day later and find the cold CO2 in the headspace and the hot air
at the bottom as the motions of the molecules are random. But the most
probable state in the case of air and CO2 at a few atmospheres is the
uniformly mixed state and the probability of any other state is so much
lower that it can be considered 0.

Now this is based on the assumption that the gasses are ideal i.e. the
molecules do not interact with one another. If they do, in particular if
they repel one another as in the case Spencer mentioned of oil and water
molecules. Whatever was it Pete's tanks it wasn't ideal gasses. May not
have been gasses at all i.e. they might have been above critical
pressure. Carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen are pretty close to ideal
at a few atmospheres.

As to Spencer's wondering about how long a 'blanket' of CO2 might
remain: he could do some simple experiments like fill a corny with CO2
(and do a couple of purge cycles to be sure its mostly CO2), bleed down
to atmospheric, remove the lid and lower a candle (or match on one of
those grabbers that comes with gas barbecues) into the mouth. It will go
out. Repeat after an hour, 2 hrs etc. As air diffuses down into the CO2
and CO2 diffuses out into the air he should be able to lower the match
or candle progressively lower and lower.



Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2012 08:39:04 -0600
From: "Mike Maag" <mikemaag at>
Subject: Filling cornys

When I transfer wert into a corny, I gently add cold CO2 to the keg. Then
push or siphon wert into the very bottom of the keg (either via the out
tube, or a long siphon tube). As the wert exits the tube at the bottom of
the keg, significant out gassing of CO2 occurs. This out-gassing of CO2,
plus the very high concentration of cold CO2 at the bottom of the keg,
greatly reduces the up-take of O2 into the wert. I often take over 6
months to empty a keg, with no detectable oxidation.

Mike Maag
Shenendoah Valley


Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2012 13:45:03 -0500 (EST)
From: Tom Gardner <tomagardner at>
Subject: CO2 and oxygen

Even if there is enough CO2 to poison someone, it doesn't mean that there is
no O2. I think that when the level of CO2 gets to 10-15% it is enough to
poison a person. I have fermented, transferred and served beer in my 100
year old basement for 14 years without opening windows and it has no air
vents. If CO2 didn't diffuse out I would have died a long time ago.

There are various shows on youtube showing gases stratifying, but all with
super-massive gases. And even they diffuse within seconds.


Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2012 23:33:29 -0500
From: Bob Sheck <bobsheck at>
Subject: Re: Keg Purging..Gas Mixing .etc

I've never worried about this. Got my properly sanitized corny at the
ready, rack beer to it, close lid, blow CO2 into the gas-in port while
bleeding off the (I dunno whatchamakalit safety valve) a few times and then

Beer doesn't last long around here to worry about it.

If you guys are that anal about it, then fill the keg to the brim with
sanitized water and blow it all out with CO2. I've tried that a couple
times, and didn't notice any difference. Beer lasted about as long as when
I didn't do it. (We have a lot of thirsty people around here, me included)

- --
Bob Sheck
Greenville, NC


Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2012 10:50:15 -0800 (PST)
From: David Root <david_root2000 at>
Subject: Plain text and purging

I had to fill a keg after reading the last few digests.
This keg has a fixed relief valve.
I cleaned it then added star san.
I put on the tap and purged the tank 3 times at about 15 psi.
Next I filled the keg and purged the headspace
3 more times by pushing on the IN poppet to vent the tank.

Is it still 66 characters to post?


End of HOMEBREW Digest #5908, 03/04/12