Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Homebrew Digest #6084 (April 16, 2014)

HOMEBREW Digest #6084 Wed 16 April 2014

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Re: Homebrew Recipe Software (Pete Calinski)
Re: Homebrew Recipe Software (Patrick Babcock)
Re: Brewing software and Windows compatibility (asemok)
Back-sweetening a mead (Jim Stansell)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce


Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 10:30:41 -0400
From: Pete Calinski <pete.calinski at>
Subject: Re: Homebrew Recipe Software

I'm running ProMash on my Win 8.0 tabled computer. No problems, no XP

I found an interesting way to use it with multiple computers and just one

I have an XP desktop computer where I keep my recipes and inventory of
grain, hops, etc. When I brew I brew in the garage and take a portable
computer out there with me. I used to use a Win 98 laptop, then an XP
notebook, and now a Win 8 tablet. I found I could run ProMash on any of
these computers and access the desktop data using a few simple steps.

(1) Set up network and sharing properly so each computer can access the data
files and program files on the desktop. In my case the databases are in My
Documents and ProMash is installed in Program Files.

(2) Install ProMash on all computers. I hope this doesn't violate some
terms of use for ProMash. I am the only user and only for my home brewing
and I use it on only one computer at a time.

(3) Using the "portable" computer go to the copy of ProMash on the desktop
(C:\Program Files\ProMash\) and click on ProMash.exe.

ProMash will open and run just like it was on the desktop with all the
recipes and inventory files. I guess by installing ProMash on the portable
computer I get all the dll and other environment files I need to run ProMash
and by running the version on the desktop, it knows where all the files are.
So while I am brewing I can check and update my inventory, view my recipe,
and what ever else using just one central set of data.



Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 10:56:19 -0400
From: Patrick Babcock <patrick.babcock at>
Subject: Re: Homebrew Recipe Software

Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager...

I will echo Pete's comments. Runs like a top on all my Windows boxes -
ProMash doesn't appear to wrangle the registry at all. I'm pretty sure it
keeps all of its presets and preferences in static files within its folder

As opposed to Pete, I keep my database on an NAS drive, and can access it
from anywhere in my home. As an experiment, I did have it outward facing at
one time, which let me access it from anywhere I could get a WiFi or 4G
signal, but it quickly became a "hacker's honey pot", so I put it back
behind the firewall.


- --
Pat Babcock in SEMI


Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 15:04:00 -0400
From: asemok at
Subject: Re: Brewing software and Windows compatibility

On Apr 16, 2014, at 1:03 AM, Bill Pierce wrote:

> Incidentally, a virtual XP machine is the solution for all software that
truly requires XP.

That's efinitely the _ideal_ (and quite simple) solution.

I've been running ProMash on a Macintosh under OS X...and I don't even have
_any_ version of Windows installed on the computer.

Therefore, one of the many VM solutions out there will most certainly be
able to run it perfectly on a PC running Windows OS.




Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 17:46:01 -0400
From: Jim Stansell <jim.stansell at>
Subject: Back-sweetening a mead

I've got a mead fermenting that started at 1.121 and is now down to
1.006 (1.023 corrected). Since it's still fermenting it might finish
a little dry, so I thought once it stabilized I'd back-sweeten it
with some honey, but of course I don't want to restart fermentation.

What's the best way to kill off any remaining yeast? Potassium
Sorbate? Potassium Metabisulfite?

What's the best thing to use and how much should I add to a five gallon batch?


End of HOMEBREW Digest #6084, 04/16/14