Friday, April 6, 2012

Homebrew Digest #5934 (April 06, 2012)

HOMEBREW Digest #5934 Fri 06 April 2012

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Re: Question about mash yield ("Darrell G. Leavitt")
Re: Fining on a large scale (Fred L Johnson)
Mash Tun, Hops, and Milling ("Keith Christian")
RE: Question about mash yield ("Ryan Thomas")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce


Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012 07:11:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Darrell G. Leavitt" <leavitdg at>
Subject: Re: Question about mash yield

I brew a lot, and while I don't do a lot of calculating (I let Promash do
that for me), it appears to me that beyond the conversion temperature/s,
other factors that have had an impact on my efficiencies have to do with
the amt of water used in the mash, the amt of hot liquor, the length of
the boil, and I am sure that there is also some water chemistry goin on
too, but other than real light brews when I have to use some distilled
water (my water is like Munich water, rather on the hard side), I don't
do much beyond calcium sulfate in the mash (drops the ph) and acidifying
the sparge water.

Happy Brewing!


Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012 08:59:38 -0400
From: Fred L Johnson <FLJohnson52 at>
Subject: Re: Fining on a large scale

Aaron is having trouble dropping yeast in a 780 gallon batch of beer and
asks if the amount of gelatin he uses for what approximatley 5-gallon batches
can be simply scaled up to use for a 780 gallon batch. Assuming that the
amount of gelatin Aaron uses for 5-gallon batches is an appropriate amount, I
can't imagine any reason why this would not be directly scalable to a
different size batch, unless the concentration of yeast he is trying to drop
in the large batch is different than in the 5-gallon batches. The amount of
gelatin relative to the amount of target material (yeast) in suspension
should be a constant in my opinion. Of course, gelatin binds other things
also, and these must be in the same concentration as in his 5-gallon batches
also for this to work as expected.

Fred L Johnson

Apex, North Carolina, USA


Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012 07:27:48 -0700
From: "Keith Christian" <keithchristian at>
Subject: Mash Tun, Hops, and Milling

I am making some changes in my brewing setup and I am looking for some

I am switching to a quarter barrel instead of a half barrel keg as my mash
tun and I am interested in how much grain others are able to mash
comfortably in one. My next batch consists of 19 lbs of grain and I am sure
that it will work just fine, but wondering how much would max it out.

My next batch is going to be an IPA and I thought I'd try Magnum hops for
bittering. The AA is listed at 20! I have never used hops with that high
of an AA and wonder how best to use them. The later additions of hops are
going to be Simcoe. Looking forward to brewing a hoppy beer!

When purchasing grain, I have always requested that it be bagged up
separately so it can be milled by itself. I am wondering if this is
something that I should continue to do or not. Milling Carapils with 2 row
will be easier to mill than just the carapils by itself. The mill I use is
a Malt mill set on its finest setting.




Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012 09:53:23 -0600
From: "Ryan Thomas" <ryanthomasai at>
Subject: RE: Question about mash yield

Mike inquires about differences in his brewhouse efficiency between batches.
One thing to look at is differences in grain, and another is how you are
calculating your efficiency. I use ProMash for my efficiency calculations,
and I use the included values for Pale and Pils malts. I have a consistent
supply of both but I do not have the actual specs from the maltster as far
as potential yield. Using the defaults I always have very high (95+)
efficiency when using pale malt and lower (80-85) efficiency when using
mostly pils. This leads me to suspect that the default values are low for
the pale and high for the pils compared to my actual grains on hand. If
your grain source changed between recipes that could account for your

Changes in your crush will also change your efficiency. If you used the
mill at your LHBS it may have been changed between batches.

Ryan Thomas
Broomfield, CO

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5934, 04/06/12